Friday, 16 October 2015

Condition of the Sun on the Day of Judgement

Abu Umamah narrated that the Messenger of Allah said “On the Day of Judgement, the sun will draw near [to the people] until it is a mile or two away from them. Its heat will be increased to such a level from which insects will boil similar to how [liquids] boil in a pot. People will be submersed in sweat based upon the amount of their wrongdoings. From among them there will be those whose sweat will come up to their two knees. From among them there will be those whose sweat will come up to their groins. From among them there will be those who will be bridled in sweat” (Ahmed in his Musnad, 5/124)
Ibn Abbas narrated that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: “How can I rejoice when the Angel assigned to blow in the Horn has put the Horn in his mouth (prepared to blow in it) and lowered his forehead attentively [waiting to] hear the command [of Allah] so he blows into it” The companions said: ‘What should we say?’ He said: ‘Say: Allah (Alone) is sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposers of affairs (for us) and upon Him we fully rely” (Ahmed in his Musnad)
Ibn ‘Umar related: The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: ”[Intoxicating] Alcohol has been cursed from ten aspects; its essence is cursed, the one who drinks it, the one who pours it for others, the one who sells it, the one who buys it, the one who makes it, the one who it is made for, the one who carries it, the one who it is carried to and the one who consumes the money from its sale.”  (Ahmed in his Musnad)

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